There are people and places in Sadova over which time seems not to have passed. If you choose to stay in the commune for more than a weekend, you will find that the life of Sadova Bucovina is a story. So, we invite you to become a traveller in search of beauty and wander for days through the village's alleys. Until then, through our stories and pictures, we will bring you closer to the village of beautiful people and show you how they live, how they feed on love and what is the meaning of their existence.
Lică Latiș - Coordinator of the Ensemble Flowers of Bucovina
In every community there is a need for a forerunner of values, tradition and culture. Lică Latiș is the man who, out of his passion for the culture of his ancestors and his love for the cradle of his childhood, Sadova, wants to pass on to the generations that follow him all that this commune has offered him. From the treasure of the folk costume to the unique traditions of Bucovina, Lică has collected them all and preserves them with pride. He offers young people, whether villagers or tourists, a lesson in history and culture that must be preserved and continued with the same love and respect as before.
Discover here
Daniela Coca
"I am proud of what I do, I like what I do and the fact that I can convey various feelings, states, depending on what is wished for: love, prosperity, fertility. And the egg is a method in which you can collect more such good thoughts", confesses the handsome man whom we present to you today.
Viorica Latiș
Beautiful people, like Mrs. Viorica Latiș, who do not forget their roots and want to pass on what their ancestors gave them, are the most precious keepers and forerunners of the ancient culture.
Agripina Zbranca
Carpet weaving is a real art and Mrs. Agrippina revealed some secrets about it and about her life. Discover them here!
Gheorghe Coca
The night before Ignatius, pigs dream that they are going to be slaughtered, so they don't eat anymore, they don't get fat. Tradition says that no other activity is allowed on Ignat's day, the whole day being dedicated only to cutting, sorting and preparing pork specialties.
Lică Latiș
In every community there is a need for a forerunner of values, tradition and culture. Lică Latiș is the man who, out of his passion for the culture of his ancestors and his love for the cradle of his childhood, Sadova, wants to pass on to the generations that follow him all that this commune has offered him. From the treasure of the folk costume to the unique traditions of Bucovina, Lică has collected them all and preserves them with pride. He offers young people, whether villagers or tourists, a lesson in history and culture that must be preserved and continued with the same love and respect as before.
Irina-Maria Niga
Laura Erhan
Zbranca Family
I stepped into the home of two beautiful people who proudly carry on the crafts learned decades ago.
Mr. Zbranca has been a carpenter since a young age, while this occupation was done exclusively by hand. Mrs. Zbranca weaves and carries on this art for the love of tradition and family.
Anca Timu – Sadova Catering
When it comes to recipes, in Sadova the products have their own delicious character and deep-rooted traditions. Sadovians are loyal to their culinary roots and proud of local traditions.
Mircea Coca
"Through music, I would like to convey the longing for traditions", he reveals to us with a kind heart Mircea Coca, young man from Sadova, student at Theology.
Vasile Rusu
The shepherd's food prepared especially for the holidays has not lost its recipe in the mists of time.
Constantin Ignat
Emilia Rusu
Ilie Erhan
Maria Constantinescu
Mrs. Maria Constantinescu is the craftsman who makes the basis of any traditional shirt, namely the cloth to be cut and decorated with symbols and patterns.
Zahara Botă
"Men and women went to work in trousers and shirts.... but not sophisticated shirts. It was a white, clean shirt with a model's shirt on it."
Elena Coca
Mrs. Elena paints eggs by placing more than just spots of color and traditional motifs on them, she puts in each of these small museum pieces passion and love for the culture she carries on, thus giving thanks for the gift received from divinity.
Familia Bedrule – La Stâna Bucovineană
Mihaela Lehaciu