The products of Bukovina and, implicitly, those of Sadovena have created a reputation over the years both in Romania and abroad. It all starts with pure ingredients from nature. The simpler they are, the tastier the dishes. When it comes to recipes, in Sadova products have their own delicious character and deep-rooted traditions. Sadovans are loyal to their culinary roots and proud of their local traditions.

La Stâna Bucovineană

The story of Stâna Bucovineană began 16 years ago when they invested in the first dairy farm in the area. For 12 years they produced milk as raw material for Dorna Lactate. In 2016, for economic reasons, they decided to switch to processing raw milk into a finished product. In the same year, under the brand "La Stana Bucovineana", they started a partnership. With small but sure steps, relying on quality and perseverance, they have so far managed to make a name for themselves. The brand, La Stâna Bucovineană, is recognized locally, as well as in Iasi, Bucharest and other areas where they have reliable partners for the distribution of products.
📲 Contact – 0765 404 934 | Nr 790, Sadova
Sadova Catering 

Sadova Catering lovingly and tastefully prepares dishes for special events, especially for your arrival in Sadova for the first or tenth time. The authentic taste of traditional recipes is always present in the food that complements the game and good will of the Sadovans. If the craving for doughnuts, poale-n-groats or sarmals overcomes you, Sadova Catering is ready to prepare and deliver any of these delicacies for you to enjoy an authentic and natural taste in no time. 
📲 Contact – 0745 084 397 | Strada Boteni, nr 553, Sadova
Stâna Sadoveană

We won't recommend a restaurant famous for its balmoș but send you straight to the place where this dish originated, at the sheepfold. You'll learn from Vasile Rusu, the most famous chef of this delicacy, how to make a Balmoș à la carte, with an authentic Bucovina taste. At the end, the balmoș cooked by you will be enjoyed in a fairytale landscape. Vasile Rusu de la te așteaptă să deguști  faimosul și deliciosul balmoș făcut pe loc cu ingrediente din ferma proprie.
📲 Contact – 0726 332 220 |  Sadova

Carmangeria Ungureanu

Meat products from Bucovina represent the traditional, authentic and unmistakable taste of quality sausages whose flavour is never forgotten. The Ungureanu butcher's is one of the producers of these dishes that are much "hunted" by gourmets who live up to the highest standards. It belongs to the market of small producers highly appreciated in the Sadova area and offers a culinary experience that satisfies even the most demanding tastes.

📲 Contact – 0723 364 907 | Latiseni Street 85, Sadova

Definiția Sadovei este tradiția și cultura străbună. Toate îndeletnicirile pe care strămoșii le-au practicat cu drag sunt continuate de către sadoveni și predate, mai apoi, generațiilor tinere, ritual prcticat de când se știu. Produsele populare reprezintă, încă, o formă de artă și de respect față de trecut pentru oamenii de aici, iar cei mai pricepuți meșteri nu se dau în lături de la a face cunoscut publicului larg frumoasele moșteniri ale Bucovinei. De la realizarea portului popular la arta prelucrării lemnului, fiecare domeniu își are în comună maestrul.

Ii and shirts

Portul popular este purtat cu mândrie de sadoveni și transmis, cu prețuire, din generație în generație. Doamna Zahara Botă este unul dintre meșteșugarii satului și are grijă ca iile și cămășile bucovinene să nu fie date uitării și să fie recunoscute oriunde. Dumneaei cose aceste piese de port popular din Bocovina păstrând o veche tradiție și ea moștenită din bătrâni.

Contact Producer 

📲 Botă Zahara: 0752 696 821


The craft of woodworking has been widespread in the mountainous area, but few have ventured to learn this ancient art. Mr Dumitru Latiș, a Sadova mountain man, has taken up this craft with love and courage, giving wood new forms and uses. From imposing wooden gates to carefully crafted beam houses, our Sadovean does not shy away from any challenge whose main actor is wood.

Contact Producer 

📲 Latiș Dumitru: 0745 679 661

Sculptor – Meșter popular

Woodcarving is a well-known art in the Bucovina area, but it is practiced less and less by the locals. Nicolae Coca, however, is one of the craftsmen who carries this craft forward, taking care that it does not remain just a thread of history. From his hands are born spoons, cups, coffee cups, all articles of necessity in the homes of the Sadovans, both in the past and today.

Contact Producer 

📲 Coca Nicolae: 0744 699 635

Pânze, Cămăși și Ițari

It's a long way to the proud shirt and the unmistakable yarmulkes worn by the boys of Bucovina. Just like the foundations of a house, these pieces of folk costume also have a basis. Mrs Maria Constantinescu weaves the cloth without which the shirts and ițari would not exist. This key element of traditional clothing is then embellished with folkloric elements that give the costume its uniqueness. In short "Finis origine pendet."

Contact Producer 

📲 Constatinescu Maria: 0746 194 447

Cizme, Ghetuțe, Opinci, Curele din piele naturală

The Romanian footwear of ancient times also has its ancestor in Sadova. Mr. Constantin Coldovan carries on one of the ancient trades, handed down from father to son, the trade of ophthalmologist. Opincile, part of traditional clothing, which have their roots in the time of the Dacians, are still proudly made by our folk craftsman, along with other leather footwear and accessories such as boots, boots and belts.

(Fun fact: The first Romanian to circumnavigate the globe, wore opinci throughout his journey, changing 497 pairs.)

Contact Producer 

📲 Coldovan Constantin: 0732 875 762

Priștori (Catrințe)

The Priștoarea, or by its more established name, the catrința, serves as a skirt in the traditional folk costume of women. The article of clothing inherited from the older generations is worn with the same pride and love of tradition by the sadovian women. Mrs Angela Cotruț weaves the sashes, taking care that they remain a symbol of folk wear and a reason for pride of unique beauty for the younger generations.

Contact Producer 

📲 Cotruț Angela: 0742 576 839